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Mega-Moolah.com is a guide dedicated to “Mega Moolah”, an iconic slot game developed by Microgaming in November 2006. For info, Microgaming is a pioneer in online casino games. Following a historic deal in 2020, Microgaming games are now distributed by Games Global.

Redesign of the Mega Moolah website

Sebastien Frisco, with the assistance of graphic designers and copywriters, has been tasked with completely rebuilding the Mega-Moolah.com website. The original website architecture had been designed exclusively for PC and Mac users.

The website pages were not mobile-friendly, so it was difficult for phone and tablet users to read the content. And the site’s images did not display correctly on iPhone and Android screens.

Redesign of the Mega Moolah Website

To adapt Mega-Moolah.com to the latest web standards, the entire website has been migrated to the WordPress (WP) Content Management System (CMS). WP CMS has the advantage of offering tools to implement responsive web design effectively. So when users visit WP sites on cell phones, tablets or computers, content (text and images) looks and functions well on all screens.

To ensure cross-browser compatibility, the hosting of Mega-Moolah.com has been transferred to One.com. This hosting provider offers top-quality Web solutions.

WordPress CMS has been installed on Mega-Moolah.com using the services provided by One.com. Automatic updates have been set up for the most recent web browser updates. Security tools have also been added to protect the website from hacking.

Text and Image Updates

The textual content of the Mega Moolah Com site has been completely rewritten to meet the requirements of the Mega Moolah slot developer. Mobile users have been carefully considered in order to make the texts user-friendly and pleasant to read. And the images have been resized to ensure a seamless mobile experience. Of course, using WordPress technologies, the images are responsive and so display very well on computer screens and tablets too.

Web Page Optimization for Better Natural Referencing

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a really important way to attract new clients. This is because a well-designed SEO strategy combined with a natural referencing campaign improves a website’s search engine ranking.  To achieve this, it’s essential to create a short list of keywords that best define your business sector.

For the Mega-Moolah.com guide, the terms selected were those that best describe the slot machine. So if you type “Mega Moolah slot machine” into search engines such as Bing, Google and Yahoo, you will see the website in pole position.

Mega Moolah News

To capture the general public’s attention, and also have a good search engine ranking, it is important to keep website content up to date. To do this, we recommend publishing news in the form of press articles, because it’s the most effective way of keeping your website up to date.

Rest assured, it’s not quantity that counts, but rather the quality of the content and the frequency of publication. Three to four News publications a year are usually enough to ensure a good follow-up.

One news article per quarter is planned for Mega-Moolah.com. In addition, the content of the website’s main pages is regularly monitored. This may not seem like much, but by publishing relevant content, it’s more than enough to meet market demands.


In many cases, when websites are put online, their content is not updated. This is an error of judgment made by many web agencies. If you find yourself in this kind of situation, it’s certainly something to think about.

For the Mega-Moolah.com guide, the website operators hadn’t made any major updates for several years. The problem was that the site’s page structure didn’t allow updates to be done easily. In fact, the software used to manage the website was not at all user-friendly, and a high level of technical knowledge was required to update web page content. In short, the website maintenance was too expensive, and at the same time, the pages didn’t function well on mobile devices.

“Given that the majority of people use smartphones to browse the Internet, websites should always be Mobile Friendly.”

Mega-Moolah.com Website Design

The resources used to completely redesign Mega-Moolah.com enabled the site to be transformed in record time. Between taking charge of the project and its completion, it took just 20 days to set up the new version of the website. Started in mid-March 2024, the updated version of Mega-Moolah.com was up and running by early April 2024.

With the improved WordPress CMS performance, provided by One.com, the Mega-Moolah.com website is now compatible across all browsers.

Online Game Niches

Online games have become very popular, and Mega Moolah is just one example.

Depending on the game niches, demand remains high. However, when it comes to gambling, aspects related to the obligations laid down by law must be taken into account. In the USA, for example, online gambling is very limited. Attempting to circumvent the laws governing online gambling is definitely not a good idea. Anyone embarking on this type of project faces severe penalties.

Gambling-friendly Countries

The real-money online casino industry is rapidly evolving in Canada and New Zealand. The online gambling sector has developed in these two countries due to the governments’ liberal approach. For this reason, Mega-Moolah.com SEO is primarily geared towards users in Canada and New Zealand.

Responsible Gambling

Gambling is not to be confused with entertainment. Indeed, whether you play the Mega Moolah slot, or another game like the lottery, blackjack or roulette, it’s important to always gamble responsibly.

Always keep in mind that gambling involves elements of chance, and the house always has the edge. For slot games, casino operators take a profit margin from all bets placed by players, and in practice, only a handful of participants manage to win jackpots.

Superstitions and Games

To avoid getting caught up in easy winning ideas, it is really important never to spend sums of money that you can’t afford to lose. And you shouldn’t play on Friday the 13th if you are superstitious.

Every Friday 13, lottery operators in many countries often flood the market with ads that defy the laws of chance. To stay in control of your spending and emotions, it’s best not to bet a single dollar on these particular days.